963Hz + 852Hz + 639Hz | Intuition | Activate Pineal Gland | Open Third Eye Chakra Meditation Music
Open up to the Universe and connect to its Energy. Open your Third Eye and Heart Chakra, heal your Heart by letting go of fear, anxiety, stress and worries! This specially composed meditation music combines the healing frequencies of 963Hz + 852Hz + 639Hz and will accompany you on your spiritual journey. #god #sleep #meditation #solfeggio #pinealgland #spirituality #zen #963hz #852hz #639hz If you enjoy my content and would like to support me, you are welcome to subscribe to my channel 💖 Hit the ((🔔)) to turn on notifications and receive the latest @SpiritualBlockchain content. Love and Light🙏🏼 Instant Third Eye Activation: 963 Hz - Believed to be the frequency of the divine, this frequency is associated with higher consciousness, spiritual growth, and awakening. 852Hz - Helps return to spiritual order and awaken intuition, awaken inner strength while raising cellular energy. 639 Hz - Known for its effects on relationships, this frequency enhances communication, encourages deep connections, and fosters harmonious interactions. Benefits: Open the Third Eye Instant Psychic Stimulation Extrasensory Perception Lucid Dreaming Self- Healing DNA Repair Stress Reduction Higher Consciousness Remote Viewing Disclaimer: The information on this video is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. This video is for informational purposes only. Solfeggio frequencies are not Intended to Diagnose, Treat, Cure or Prevent Any Disease. You should always consult with your physician before trying something health related. While many people have found relief using these frequencies, it is your responsibility to seek care from your doctor when you need it.