Welcome myCalvary Online family we are so happy you are joining us today. Please leave us comments. We would love to hear from you. Remember the 10 am service starts 10 mins early for our pre-service stay connected We have 2 services 8am & 10am in person... we will ONLY be streaming the 10 am service. Text: “Calvary” to 1-833-562-4654 to stay connected. If you would like to support Calvary financially you can give through https://www.cbchawthorne.org/giving Don't miss any Calvary news email- [email protected] to join the email list. Holistic Fasting & Consecration E-Booklet https://online.fliphtml5.com/fcbiw/uq... Follow us: Instagram: / calvaryhawthorne Facebook: / cbchawthorne Website: https://www.cbchawthorne.org Healing School is next Sunday(every 3rd Sunday) from 9:30-10:30am in-person, located in the educational building. Elder Andree Justice is the instructor. The Tungsten Proteges Mentoring classes will meet on Tuesday, January 10th & 24th remember these classes are for boys 7-17 http://www.malementor.org Dr. Collins’ relationship seminar resume on Thursday, February 2nd here in -person. This is a Free event Remember to like, share and subscribe to all our social media platforms to stay connected. If you have any questions or want to subscribe to receive emails: email [email protected] ————————————————— Dr. Hosea Collin's book is still available https://hosea-collins-ministries.mysh... https://www.amazon.com/BORN-WINNER-Re... ________________________________ To add Calvary to Amazon Smile visit: https://smile.amazon.com/ch/26-4496105 ________________________________ -If you have a passion to serve on the security team as a volunteer contact [email protected] or see John. Remember to Like, Share & Subscribe to all our channels (CBC Pages, Health and Wellness, & Pastor Hosea's Personal Pages) #newyear #newyou