Soft Melt in Mouth Mysore Pak😋Ghee Mysore Pak Recipe #shorts #ytshorts #mysorepak

Soft Melt in Mouth Mysore Pak😋Ghee Mysore Pak Recipe #shorts #ytshorts #mysorepak

Soft Melt in Mouth Mysore Pak🤩Ghee Mysore Pak Recipe #shorts #ytshorts #mysorepak Queries solved:-- milk mysore pak mysore pak recipe milk mysore pak recipe ghee mysore pak recipe ghee mysore pak recipe in tamil mysore pak in tamil madras samayal mysore pak in tamil mysore pak recipe in tamil krishna sweet mysore pak nei mysore pak easy mysore pak recipe in tamil indian sweets how to make mysore pak in tamil soft mysore pak recipe in tamil How to make 💯 Perfect Soft Ghee Mysore Pak ghee mysore pak recipe mysore pak nei mysore pak recipe in tamil mysore pak tamil how to make perfect soft mysore pak diwali sweets in tamil diwali sweet recipes mysore paak recipe in tamil ghee mysore pak how to make mysore pak recipe for mysore pak Mysore pak Sweet Recipe In Tamil Ghee (Nei Mysore Pak Diwali Sweet Recipe mysore pak mysore pak sweet mysore pak recipe tamil sweet recipe mysore pak ghee mysore pak nei mysore pak how to make mysore pak sweet mysore pak recipe video soft mysore pak southindian festival mysore pak diwali sweet recipe diwali special sweet mysore pak easy quickly prepare mysore pak sweet soft &melt mouth sweet mysore pak indian melt mysore pak ghee mysore pak recipe soft mysore pak sweet mysore pak mysore In this video we will see how to make ghee mysore pak recipe. This is a soft melt in mouth mysore pak which is very soft and smooth. I have used a mixture ghee in this recipe. Mysore pak is a great recipe to make during the festivals and holidays. Related tags :-- #MysorePak #mysorepakrecipe #mysorepakrecipeintamil #trending #food #cooking #recipe #foodie #easyrecipe #youtubeshorts #sweet #sweets #softmysorepakintamil #gheemysorepak #mysorepakrecipeintamil Friends, please do try this mysore pak recipe at home and share it with your friends and family. Also, please do share your feedback about the recipe in the comments below. All the best and happy cooking! LIKE ➡️ SHARE ➡️ SUBSCRIBE ➡️ COMMENT Ingredients :-- 1 cup Besan flour 2 cup Ghee 1 1/2 cup Sugar 1 1/4 cup water Please Follow me on :-- Instagram - Facebook - YouTube -    • Crispy French Fries & Cheese Sauce फ्...