Gotham Knights -BATGIRL- Gameplay Walkthrough Part 7 [PS5 1080P] ‪@GothamKnights‬

Gotham Knights -BATGIRL- Gameplay Walkthrough Part 7 [PS5 1080P] ‪@GothamKnights‬

Gotham Knights BATGIRL Gameplay Walkthrough Part 7 [PS5 1080P] Batman is ambushed in the Batcave by Ra's al Ghul and is mortally wounded. With no way to win, Batman seals himself and Ra's in the Batcave and initiates the self-destruct protocol, killing them both. Batman's death triggers a Code Black contingency, which summons Nightwing, Batgirl, Red Hood, and Robin. As his final act, Batman bequeaths a backup base called the Belfry as well as the files of all of his investigations, telling his students that Gotham will need them more than ever once the criminal underworld notices Batman has gone missing. Determined to carry on Batman's will, the four heroes band together to form the Gotham Knights. With the assistance of Alfred Pennyworth, the Knights get the Belfry operational and pursue one of Batman's leads, a scientist named Kirk Langstrom. The Knights find Langstrom murdered, as well as a hard drive containing his secret research. When they infiltrate the GCPD morgue to recover Langstrom's DNA encryption key, they encounter Talia al Ghul, who incinerates Ra's' body and warns the Knights the League of Shadows will make their move on Gotham soon. The Knights then receive a message from Harley Quinn, who has been investigating another lead for Batman while locked up in Blackgate Penitentiary. The Knights recover her intelligence and discover evidence of a centuries-long conspiracy where multiple violent criminals were released early from Blackgate after witnesses to their crimes were mysteriously murdered, with Langstrom being the latest victim. The Knights then confront the Penguin, suspecting he is involved with the conspiracy. The Penguin tells them of the existence of the Court of Owls, a secret society that supposedly rules Gotham from the shadows, and directs the Knights to investigate the ultra-elite Powers Club. The Knights infiltrate the Powers Club, discovering the Court of Owls is real, and manage to escape with an old key. Realizing that Batman had been secretly investigating the Court, the Knights search for all the information they can, but only manage to learn that the Court is allegedly searching for the Fountain of Youth. The Knights use the key to access a secret mine underneath Gotham, where the Court has been synthesizing a compound called Dionesium which they use to create undead super soldiers called Talons. Talia reveals that the League has been observing the Court and are preparing to destroy all of Gotham just to eliminate them, and she advises that the Knights defeat the Court before the League can mobilize. The Knights infiltrate a masquerade party hosted by the Court to discover the identity of their leader and are shocked to find out it is Bruce Wayne's uncle Jacob Kane. Kane reveals that he knew Bruce was Batman and that he is also aware of the Knights' secret identities, and warns them not to interfere with his plans. The Knights are then forced to flee when League assassins attack the masquerade, slaughtering many Court members. The Knights continue to investigate the Court, slowing down their plans to awaken an army of Talons to take over Gotham. Having gathered enough evidence to implicate Kane, the Knights enlist the aid of Renee Montoya, revealing their true identities to her as a sign of trust. Renee agrees to serve an arrest warrant and apprehend Kane, as long as the Knights can remove him from his fortified headquarters at Kane Industries. The Knights breach the defenses and apprehend Kane, but he is assassinated by Talia before he can be taken into custody. Talia reveals she manipulated the Knights into dismantling the Court for her and now plans to lead the League to purge Gotham of all corruption. The Knights follow Talia's trail to the ruins of Arkham Asylum, where they find that the League has appropriated Langstrom's research and Lazarus Pit water to create mutant Man-Bats. After dealing with the Man-Bats, the Knights follow the League into a network of tunnels underneath the Gotham Cemetery, where they find a Lazarus Pit under the ruins of the Batcave. Talia then reveals that she had stolen Bruce's body and revived him in the Lazarus Pit, using its powers to brainwash him into becoming the League's next leader. The Knights manage to free Bruce of the brainwashing with an emotional outreach and defeat Talia, forcing her to retreat. However, the Court then arrives to claim the Lazarus Pit, prompting Bruce to sacrifice himself to destroy the Pit by ramming the Batwing into it. In the aftermath, Talia and the League abandon Gotham, leaving only a few assassins to harass the Knights. The Court goes into hiding and continues to plot in the shadows. To reassure the people of Gotham, the Knights make a public address declaring that the city is under their protection.