Christmas Novena Day 8 | Simeon's Prophecy 🎄✨

Christmas Novena Day 8 | Simeon's Prophecy 🎄✨

Welcome to Day 8 of the Christmas Novena! 🎄✨ Today, we reflect on Simeon’s prophecy, where he prophesied the profound destiny of the Christ child. As he held the infant Jesus in the temple, he recognized that Jesus would be the light of revelation to the Gentiles and the glory of Israel. This moment reminds us of the divine purpose in the life of Jesus and calls us to reflect on how we can share His light with others. Join us in prayer as we meditate on Simeon’s words and prepare our hearts for Christ's coming. Don’t forget to subscribe for the remaining days of the novena and share your prayer intentions in the comments below. #ChristmasNovena #SimeonsProphecy #AdventPrayer #CatholicNovena #ChristmasReflection 🎄✨