WBSBC 12/24/24 Christmas Eve Candle Light Service
Streaming License 20169104 Copyright License 2010016 We are excited that you are worshiping together with us, and we want to let you know that we love you, we are here for you, and we are praying for you. If you have any prayer requests or want to give a praise to God for what He's done, comment below, and we will add your requests and praises to our prayer list. You can also go to https://www.wbsbctampa... and send us a message with your contact info so that we can receive your prayer requests. If you would like to give online, go to https://www.wbsbctampa... and click the link on the page to go to our giving site. Once again, we thank you for tuning in, and we hope God works in mighty ways through this time of worship!