November 12, 2023 - The Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time
Saint John Chrysostom Church, West Roxbury, Massachusetts Our celebrant today is Father Sam Fuller Our organist is Al Long Our Cantor is Osmani Rodriguez Our Lector is Jack Burke Today's Mass is in memory of Avis & Harold Arsenault Our Hymns are: Be Thou My Vision #400 Psalm 42 (As The Deer Longs) #511 Like A Shepherd #616 Eternal Father Strong To Save #744 Responsorial Psalm: My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord my God. We are so grateful to the many who volunteer their time and talent making our Church beautiful and allow us to bring our Masses with their joyful music to you. Join us. Your offertory can be mailed or sent electronically, visit our web site, stjohnchrysostom02132.org. Thank you. Streamed with permission under One License #A-740274 All Rights Reserved