SUBLIMINAL Affirmations to Manifest TRUE LOVE ★ Powerful Subliminals for The Love Of Your Life
Subliminal Affirmations to manifest true love. Manifest a loving partner, even a specific person AND bring powerful love energy into all aspects of your life. With 528 Hz love frequency. Manifest like a pro by programming your subconscious mind with new positive beliefs using powerful subliminals. Listen to these subliminal affirmations while awake or sleeping. Lots of love x • Buy The MP3: https://www.nickysutton.com/shop/subl... • Support my work: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/nickysutton • My Hay House Book: https://linktr.ee/nickysutton Times 00:00 Introduction 01:45 Affirmations Aloud 10:45 Subliminals Subliminal Affirmations 1. My heart resonates with the frequency of love, drawing loving experiences into my reality. 2. I am aligned with the abundant love of the universe, and I am ready to embrace it fully. 3. I am deserving of a deep and lasting love. 4. Love flows effortlessly into my life. 5. I am open and ready to receive a healthy and loving relationship. 6. I am worthy of love and kindness, starting with myself. 7. The universe is aligning energies for a love that is profound and everlasting. 8. Love is my guiding force, and I choose to see and create love in every situation. 9. I am a vessel of love, radiating positive energy to those around me. 10. I am attracting a partner who shares my values, goals, and dreams. 11. I attract love in all its forms—kindness, compassion, and genuine connections. 12. My thoughts, actions, and intentions are rooted in love, creating a harmonious life. 13. I am attracting a partner with whom I can share a love that grows stronger with each passing day. 14. I attract love that aligns with my highest good. 15. My heart is open to giving and receiving love fully. 16. I am ready to welcome my soulmate into my life; our connection is destined and truly profound. 17. My heart and soul are in perfect alignment to attract my soulmate. 18. I hold space for healing, making space for new love. 19. I am manifesting a partner who cherishes and supports me. 20. I am worthy of a relationship filled with love, respect, and understanding. 21. I am grateful for the love that surrounds me and for the love I can give. 22. I love myself unconditionally. 23. I release any attachment to how love should be, allowing it to manifest naturally. 24. Love flows through me and around me, infusing every aspect of my being. 25. I am open to giving and receiving love in its purest form. 26. I am attracting a partner who values and celebrates all that I am. 27. My energies are infused with love, drawing my soulmate to me. 28. I deserve a relationship filled with mutual love, respect, and understanding. 29. I am manifesting a loving and committed partner into my life. 30. The universe is bringing my soulmate and me together in perfect timing. 31. Love starts within me; as I love and care for myself, I amplify love in the world. 32. My heart is a magnet for the kind of love that brings joy, growth, and fulfilment. 33. I prioritize my well-being and happiness, nurturing a strong foundation of self-love. 34. The universe brings people into my life who genuinely care for my well-being. 35. I am attracting a loving partner who appreciates and cherishes all that makes me unique. 36. The universe is bringing love into my life. 37. I radiate love and positivity, attracting the same energy in return. 38. I am a magnet for love, and I attract loving energies into my life effortlessly. 39. I release any fears or doubts that may block true love from entering my life. 40. Every day, I choose to spread love through my words, actions, and interactions. 41. Love is a limitless source within me, and I choose to share its abundance with the world. 42. The love I desire is manifesting. 43. My heart is open to giving and receiving a love that transcends time and space. 44. I trust that the love story of my life will unfold perfectly. 45. Love flows to me effortlessly. 46. As I become the best version of myself, I am attracting more and more love into my life. 47. I am grateful for the love that surrounds me and the love that is yet to come. 48. I attract friends and loved ones who value and support me for who I am. 49. I am a magnet for genuine, authentic, and lasting love. 50. My soulmate and I are on a path of alignment, and our love story is unfolding beautifully. Important Do not play this video while driving or doing anything else. This video and its contents are for entertainment purposes only, and must never be considered a substitute for advice from a qualified health care professional. If you suffer from any kind of mental health condition please seek advice from your health care professional as to the suitability of 'guided meditation' and 'hypnosis' for you before use. Thank you. Keep your audio volume to a comfortable, somewhat quiet level. Otherwise, as with any loud sound, sleep could be disrupted. © Copyright Nicky Sutton #subliminals #subliminal