GTA ONLINE Criminal Mastermind Challenge

GTA ONLINE Criminal Mastermind Challenge

This is a video where I and my 3 friends complete the Criminal Mastermind challenge and received 10,000,000$ as well as Loyalty Bonus. We did not Speedrun we just played the game and had a lot of fun! I hope you enjoyed this video! :D 0:00 Intro 0:17 Scope Out [Fleeca] 8:15 Kuruma [Fleeca] 15:18 Fleeca Job 23:36 Plane [Prison Break] 36:40 Prison Bus [Prison Break] 43:08 Station/Port [Prison Break] 59:08 Wet Work [Prison Break] 1:14:05 Prison Break 1:35:28 Key Codes [Humane Labs] 1:45:35 Insurgents [Humane Labs] 1:58:00 EMP [Humane Labs] 2:16:47 Valkyrie [Humane Labs] 2:36:56 Deliver EMP [Humane Labs] 2:56:00 Humane Labs 3:16:08 Coke [Series A] 3:35:10 Trash Truck [Series A] 3:45:50 Bikers [Series A] 4:00:42 Weed [Series A] 4:20:00 Steal Meth [Series A] 4:37:13 Series A 4:53:30 Vans [Pacific Standard] 5:00:35 Signal [Pacific Standard] 5:15:37 Hack [Pacific Standard] 5:24:00 Convoy [Pacific Standard] 5:37:43 Bikes [Pacific Standard] 5:46:35 Pacific Standard Job 6:11:38 Money BONUS! #gta5 #gtaonline #criminalmastermind #gaming #rockstar #gta5online #gtavonline