December 26, 2021 First Sunday of Christmas
Merry Christmas.... again! Did you know Christmas as a season, not just a day? We can say "Merry Christmas" for at least another week (or... maybe two!). So, Merry Christmas. Thank you for worshiping online with us this morning. ___________________ Blessings to you! Thank you for joining us at Salem UMC, Brookeville (online!). Blessings to you! Thank you for joining us at Salem UMC, Brookeville (online!). If you’re watching, make sure you click “like” or leave a comment to say hi! We’d like to be in prayer for you and would love to know who is part of our community each week. If you want to be notified whenever we post something new, click “subscribe” on our page. If you have any questions, you can contact our pastor, Rev. Emily, at [email protected] Music covered under CCLI License #4499908