DREAM ABOUT ANTS  I Find Out The Biblical Meaning of Ants In Dreams I

DREAM ABOUT ANTS I Find Out The Biblical Meaning of Ants In Dreams I

#DreamaboutAnts #EvangelistJoshuaTV #EvangelistJoshuaOrekhie Ants dreams usually indicate witchcraft and close enemies. It can also be an indication of household enemy attack. Maybe you feel that you are surrounded or caged by enemies. Sometimes they might indicate death, spiritual robber, painful situations. Ants symbolize hard work, persistence, diligence and productivity. Kindly subscribe to my channel today: https://www.youtube.com/c/evangelistj... But if you dream of soldier ants, red ants or lots of ants attacking you, then it means you will not have the ability to prosper, or even be rewarded and produce good fruits.If ants crawling your body, it symbolizes hard battles. Biblically, however, ants in dreams may also be a pointer of evil conspiracy at work etc. On the other hand, if you see ants in bed means marital attack and manipulation. If you are bitten by lots of ants in dream, means you are under witchcraft captivity. https://www.evangelistjoshua.com/seei...