Activate Sacred Pineal Gland -Stimulate Powerful DMT Release & Awakening - Open Third Eye - 963 Hz

Activate Sacred Pineal Gland -Stimulate Powerful DMT Release & Awakening - Open Third Eye - 963 Hz

Activate Sacred Pineal Gland -Stimulate Powerful DMT Release & Awakening - Open Third Eye - 963 Hz Much Love Peace n Light!šŸ™ Activate your third eye and enhance the power to stimulate the release of powerful DMT, enabling profound awakening and heightened spiritual awareness, Listening through this meditation frequency at 963 hz. Start a mindful meditation practice everyday preferably in the morning or the evening, this habit allows you to increase focus on the present movement to let go of all distracting thoughts and negative emotions. Visualize a ball of positive energy in the center of your forehead, and envision it is glowing brighter and more powerful as you focus your awareness on it. Start a deep breathing practice everyday preferably in the morning or the evening, this habit can help strengthen your breathing rate to calm brain nerves, lower blood pressure, reduce stress, anxiety, PTSD and depression. Inhale slow, deep breaths counting to 5 then exhale your breaths reversing the count from 5 to 1, repeat this process for minimum of 10 minutes. Start a yoga practice with physical postures, following deep breathing to enhance your relaxation to build up physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. Sit in a quiet room, please try to focus on your hearing, relax as much as you can, concentrate on your breathing and remain completely still ensuring the sound volume below the halfway mark while listening to this music. Keeping the volume low will let you nourish your auditory enjoyment, pineal gland, DMT stimulation, as well as prompt and the rapid healing process. Our music sessions are embedded with best healing frequencies, isochronic tones, nature sounds, ambient and binaural beats which are extremely beneficial for overall health. This music creates a rhythmic healing sounds to contribute as a healing therapy for mind-body-soul rejuvenation and mood enhancement. Just by listening to our music for at least 20 minutes, you can get several benefits such as enhancing cognition, memory, attention, focus, brain healing, endurance, neuroplasticity, healthy sleep and also alleviate brain degenerative upsets, stress, pain, trauma, depression, fatigue and anxiety. Why do our healing sounds work? Its all about vibration. Everything in the universe including the cells in our body is uniquely vibrating on its own unique frequency pattern. These frequency vibrations produce sounds which may or may not be audible to our senses because our audible range is limited between 20 Hz to 20 KHz. Although we cannot hear the vibrations coming from our cells and brain it is very important to tune them to their correct frequency for their health and growth. Our music exactly does that. All our music are composed with these peculiar frequency vibrations unique to different cells of our body so our cells and organs could be tuned to the correct frequency enabling them to heal and grow stronger. To listen to more of such music please subscribe our channel here ā–¶ļøšŸ‘šŸ’„:- Follow us on: Facebook: Ā Ā /Ā healingsoundsmusicĀ Ā  Twitter: Ā Ā /Ā healingsoundzĀ Ā  Pinterest: We would like to express our deep gratitude for your generous support ā¤šŸŒ¹šŸ™ ====================================================== Music Video Productions By: The Healing Sounds ====================================================== #HealingSounds #ActivateSacredPinealGland #StimulatePowerfulDMTReleaseandAwakening #OpenThirdEye #963Hz #Meditationmusic #HSL519 ====================================================== All the images and videos used by our channel are licensed under,,,, and CC0 free images & videos from and, and edited by us in obedience with the YouTube partner program, community guidelines & YouTube terms of service. ====================================================== DISCLAIMER: THIS VIDEO SHOULD NOT BE USED TO REPLACE ANY MEDICAL OR PSYCHOLOGICAL TREATMENT. IF YOU HAVE A SERIOUS MEDICAL CONDITION, PLEASE CONSULT YOUR MEDICAL PRACTITIONER PROMPTLY. PLEASE DO NOT LISTEN TO ANY OF THE MEDITATION MUSIC SESSION STREAMED BY HEALING SOUNDS CHANNEL WHILE DRIVING OR OPERATING ANY MACHINERY DEVICE. Ā© Healing Sounds - All Rights Reserved