Simple Envelopes

Simple Envelopes

Formulas- Diamond envelopes- Measure the diagonal of the card and add an inch; Cut that measurement into a square. Follow video to see how to fold Professional card- This formula is not an exact formula. I recommend using a scrap piece of paper and finding your exact measurements. For example, in the video, I say to make the 4 ¼ score mark first and then the 2 1/4. Well, on my card class card, I ended up needing to do the 2 ¼ flap measurement first and then add my length to that. But in general, the formula is, measure horizontally and add an inch. Then measure your length (or as I call it, the up and down) add that number twice and then add your flap size (I typically go with 2 1/4), then add ¼ inch to that. You may not need the extra ¼ but I always add it. (you can cut it off if it is too much). Then score your card. American Card size 4 ¼ x 5 ½ Diamond envelope- 8 x 8 Professional Envelope- 6 ¾ x 11 scored on the long side- 2 ¼ , 6 ¾ Scored on the short side- 1/2, 6 ¼ Card Class Size 4 x 6 Diamond Envelope- 8 ¼ x 8 ¼ Professional Envelope- 7 x 10 ¼ Scored on the long side- 2 ¼ , 6 ½ Scored on the short side- ½, 6 ½ ______________________________________________ Book Template Links: Box Template (pink book): Lidded Box Template (yellow book): Pizza Box Style Template (purple book): Want to see more of me? Find me here:   / 544990325667157     / 591887988790576   **As always, I really appreciate all of your support! Thanks for watching/thanks for subscribing!!**~Tiffany **IN COMPLIANCE WITH COPPA, THIS CHANNEL AND VIDEO CONTENT IS NOT INTENDED FOR CHILDREN** I DO NOT OWN THE RIGHTS TO ANY BACKGROUND NOISE***