🌈Color Song + Head Shoulder Knees & Toes + more Little Mascots Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs

🌈Color Song + Head Shoulder Knees & Toes + more Little Mascots Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs

You are watching Color Song , learn colors on the go as we take you on a magical journey, through green forest, yellow fields and snowy mountains. Learning colors has never been this fun~. Watch the rhyme again and let's learn colors    • 🌈Color Song + Count To 10 + more Litt...   🪄Watch more related videos ▶️   • Colors Of The Rainbow + Five Little M...      • ABC Song + Colors Of The Rainbow + Mo...      • Learn Counting | Little Mascots | Nur...   ✨Also Check out our Playlists for kids Now    • Christmas🎄Songs | ⛄️2024⛄️Best Rhymes      • ✨Trending Nursery Rhymes This Week      • Top🌟 Rhymes for Kids      • Little Mascots Special 🎁   ⬇️ ⬇️ And Don't forget to subscribe to Our Official Channels ⬇️⬇️    / @littlemascots      / @swiftytheshark      / @littlemascotsdaily   Lyrics: This is Red The color Red Red-Red-Red This is Red The color Red Red-Red-Red Do you know what color is this? This is Red~~ This is Blue The color Blue Blue-Blue-Blue This is Blue The color Blue Blue-Blue-Blue Do you know what color is this? This is Blue~~ This is Green The color Green Green-Green-Green This is Green The color Green Green-Green-Green Do you know what color is this? This is Green~~ This is Yellow The color Yellow Yellow-Yellow-Yellow This is Yellow The color Yellow Yellow-Yellow-Yellow Do you know what color is this? This is Yellow~~ This is White The color White White-White-White This is White The color White White-White-White Do you know what color is this? This is White~~ Timestamps 00:00 Intro 00:05 Color Song 01:50 Head Shoulder Knees & Toes 03:25 Happy Birthday Song 04:27 Dancing Like An Animal 05:57 Bingo Song 08:27 Trick Or Treat 10:00 Itsy Bitsy Spider 12:27 Hickor Dickory Dock 13:48 This Is The Way 16:02 ABC Song 20:02 Five Little Speckled Frogs 22:13 Wheels On The Bus 24:55 Jingle Bells 27:03 The Bath Song 28:54 Baa Baa Black Sheep Little Mascots: We hope you had the same fun watching the video as we had making it for you! Our songs are a great way to get familiar with generic rhymes, learning habits, becoming expressive and creative all while getting entertained. About Channel: Little Mascots focuses on helping parents in providing pre-nursery education like learning alphabets, numbers and daily routine good habits to babies. Learning oriented rhymes are a great way to make kids become more expressive and attentive which is essential for their growth. Happy Learning :) #littlemascots #colorfamily #nurseryrhmes #learnalphabets #bingosong #twinkletwinkle #countto10 #littlefish #dancinglikeananimal #themorewegettogether #washaway #funkyanimals #thisisthewaywebrushourteeth #abcsong #abc #forbabies #thankyousong