Salem Lutheran Church - March 3, 2024

Salem Lutheran Church - March 3, 2024

Third Sunday in Lent at Salem Lutheran Church, Buffalo, NY Leader: Rev. David Wurster Organist: Gary Bosley AS WE GATHER When the Israelites were encamped by Mount Sinai, just out of slavery in Egypt and far from the Promised Land, God wisely gave them the Ten Commandments. They are engraved in our historic churches and capitol buildings. Their perfect demands require a Savior for us. Jesus was so jealous for God’s Law that He cleansed the temple before cleansing us of our sin by giving the temple of His body. In His wisdom, God did what we could not: He kept His own Law for us and then chose us to be the Body of Christ today. None of us has kept the commandments; we and our spiritual ancestors reflect our weaknesses in faith and action. But in the process, God’s wisdom shows forth: When we are weak, He is strong. Today is a day to boast about God’s grace and His Son, Christ crucified, the power and wisdom of God. READINGS OLD TESTAMENT READING: Exodus 20:1–17 EPISTLE: 1 Corinthians 1:18–31 HOLY GOSPEL: John 2:13–22 (23–25) To learn more about our church visit our website "Liturgy and hymns from Lutheran Service Book, copyright 2006: Concordia Publishing House. Used by permission. License #000014875"