Over 2 Hours of True Horror Stories - Black Screen with Rain Sounds - Scary Stories for Sleep
A big thanks to @BadVibesStoryTelling for narrating stories 4 and 7 on part 2 this video! Check out his channel at: / badvibesstorytelling True Night Shift and Security guard Horror Stories Black Screen Horror Stories for Sleep Ambient Rain Sound Videos For more mega compilations, check out the playlist: • Scary Stories for Sleep SEND YOUR STORY TO: [email protected] For exclusive video content and other perks, join my channel membership or Patreon: Channel membership: / @mrrevenant Patreon: / mrrevenant Find me on Twitter at twitter.com/TheMrRevenant to stay updated or to just say hi! If you're on Reddit, come and pay a visit to my subreddit r/StoriesforMrRevenant, and if you feel like it, share your true scary stories with me and each other. Don't forget to invite your horror loving friends! All stories are read with full permission. Please see story credits for respective videos: • 10 True Horror Stories from Reddit - ... Posted by Someone watching me while I slept u/kaizo_ u/GuruBushHippie Sometimes Creepy Is Undeniably Real u/MyTvWontStopBleeding I just wanted to go to the liqour store.. u/CluelessDinosaur u/Hemogoblin_7 Sunglasses stalker u/Niinonbrd Alone u/Anaxamandrous Parent Teacher Conference Incident. Who Was It? u/sailorky I have a stalker who is in jail u/jordantask • 8 True Horror Stories from Reddit - B... u/thevoodooclam Unsettling encounter in the Sierras u/KITTYCat0930 Crazy guy wouldn’t leave me alone while I was smoking outside hotel my husband and were staying at u/Toubabo_K00mi TIFU by summoning a Kenyan drug lord on a school trip u/edumbyy The night where anything could’ve happened Read by @BadVibesStoryTelling u/MeasurementDeep Repost: I keep being followed by random men who won’t take no for an answer u/babe_thefirst Lake House Weekend u/EliBbox There were 2 guys on my balcony with knives Read by @BadVibesStoryTelling u/TooManyBirdsin1Tree • True Horror Stories from Reddit - Bla... u/Puzzleheaded_Use_566 When a man follows you home… u/Admiral-Ferret u/cbrantley u/DrunkenPierogi u/Maf1oso_ u/cassareena Target Store Scare u/text0nym u/u/4esthetics u/batshitcrazyfarmer u/ulmncaontarbolokomon u/blue12334567 “Angel” saved me after I got roofied u/jm0288 Tonight’s encounter with a patient who ass4ulted multiple people u/Ethereal-Ephemeral Neighborly or creepy..? Music by Myuu Nicholas Gasparini, October 31st, ABYSS, Fatal Shrine, Growing Shadows https://thedarkpiano.com/music License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... No changes made. Check out his channel: / myuuji Time Stamps: 00:00 1 34:47 2 1:09:44 3 1:43:35 4 To have your true story featured in a video, share it to: OR email it to: [email protected] let's not meet stories - creepy encounters - Horror Stories - customer service horror stories - scary horror stories - creepy encounters - let's not meet - True scary customer service stories - True creepy stories - Scary Stories - True Scary Stories - Creepy Stories - True creepy customer service stories - retail horror stories - True Creepy Stories – Reddit Horror Stories - Disturbing Stories – True creepy retail stories - Black Screen - True creepy uninvited houseguest stories - home intruder horror stories - True Creepy home intruder stories – Reddit Horror Stories - Disturbing Stories – True scary houseguest stories - True scary uninvited houseguest stories - horror stories - scary home visitor stories - scary home intruder horror stories - Black Screen #scary #horrorstories #creepyencounters