Responsorial Psalm |  29th Sunday in Ordinary Time year C

Responsorial Psalm | 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time year C

R. Our help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. I lift up my eyes to the mountains; from where shall come my help? My help shall come from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. He will keep your foot from stumbling. Your guard will never slumber. No, he sleeps not nor slumbers, Israel's guard. The Lord your guard, the Lord your shade at your right hand. By day the sun shall not smite you, nor the moon in the night. The Lord will guard you from evil; he will guard your soul. The Lord will guard your going and coming, both now and forever. Click the subscribe button to get video updates from my channel    / @sirjudennam   Other social media channels for Sir Jude Nnam are Facebook:   / sirjudennam   Twitter:   / sirjudennam   Instagram: @sirjudennam Tiktok: @sirjudennam