Chapter-02 | Pathophysiology and Clinical Manifestation of Dengue Infection (First Half)
#Dengue #ssacademy #mrcpuk PART-02: Chapter-02: Pathophysiology and Clinical Manifestation of Dengue Infection- (First Half) LECTURE ON "National Guideline for Clinical Management of Dengue Syndrome" This lecture is divided in 7 parts; please follow the lectures after download the file from the official website: http://www.dghs.gov.bd/index.php/en/p... Dear Doctors, You will be glad to know that I have tried my best level to make a LECTURE on DENGUE based on "National Guideline for Clinical Management of Dengue Syndrome" published by DGHS dedicated only for all of us DOCTORS not for the public by any means with the aim of our management will be a standard one for the safety of our patients to provide the best services and I personally thank to the DGHS n respected editors to compile such an excellent, I must say adequate, effective n proper guideline for the healthcare providers especially for the doctors like us treating the huge burden of dengue patients every day along with upcoming alarming number of cases in this August n September n even can extend to October too and for this reason, knowing the facts of guidelines n practicing them in reality to help us to treat our patients with the best possible care with less complications to severe dengue along with lessening the number of hospitalizations by selecting the appropriate cases with warning signs and reducing the sufferings n duration of hospital stay and avoiding the unnecessary/ inadvertent/overconcerned/ inappropriate treatments too, along with the greatest contribution to reduce the number of mortality . Hope this lecture will have some contributions to this crisis management to some extent, then my efforts will be fruitful and forgive me if any mistakes n wI'll be grateful if anybody suggest anything to do more and this is uploaded now. With Best regards Dr. Sumanta Kumer Saha Asstt. Professor, Medicine Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College Hospital Dhaka, Bangladesh (JN) ***DISCLAIMER: ONLY FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSE FOR DOCTORS, NOT FOR ANY PUBLIC/NON-MEDICAL PERSONS/GENERAL PEOPLES. FOR THE DETAILS, DIRECTED TO DGHS WEBSITE GUIDELINE FOR DENGUE. *****Other Video******* Chapter-1= Introduction & Epidemiology of Dengue • Chapter-01 | Dengue - Introduction & ... PART-03: Chapter-02: Pathophysiology and Clinical Manifestation of Dengue Infection- (Last Half) • Chapter-02 | Pathophysiology and Clin... PART-04: Chapter-03: Lab Investigation for Dengue Diagnosis and Management • Chapter-03 | Lab Investigation for De... Part-05: Chapter-4.1 = Dengue Case Management (First Part) • Chapter-04 | Dengue Case Management (... PART-06:Chapter-04: Dengue Case Management (Middle Part) • Chapter-04 | Dengue Case Management (... PART-07: Chapter-04: Dengue Case Management (Last Part) • Chapter-04 | Dengue Case Management (...