Infection. Bacteria? Virus? Parasite🪱🪱?

Infection. Bacteria? Virus? Parasite🪱🪱?

Want better health? Join my FREE holistic program 👉 Online Supplement Store 👉 Infection. Bacteria? Virus? Parasite🪱🪱? Infection. Bacteria? Virus? Parasite? WBC (leukocytes) 1. Granulocytes-neutrophils, basophils and eosinophils-formed in the bone marrow. Often referred to as polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) 2. Agranulocytes-monocytes and lymphocytes. Monocytes are formed in the bone marrow. Lymphocytes are from spleen, lymph glands, tonsils, thymus, and appendix. Life span can last anywhere between several hours to a few days. Lab Ranges Functional Ranges WBC 4000-11000 uL of blood 5000-8000 Neutrophils 35-70% 40-60% Lymphocytes 20-40% 25-40% Monocytes 2-8% 4-7% Eosinophils 1-4% Less than 3% Basophils 0.5-1% Less than 1% Low WBC-Chronic virus or bacterial infections. HIV, autoimmune disorders, bone marrow disorder, lupus, radiation, antibiotics, alcoholism, pancreatic insufficiency-WBC to breakdown food, raw food diet High WBC-acute infection, fever, allergies, pregnancy, medications, tissue damage, surgery. Neutrophil high with acute bacterial infection and inflammation Neutrophil low bone marrow disorder, chronic virus. Lymphocyte high-acute and chronic viral. Inflammation. Lymphocyte low-chronic infection, oxidative stress Monocytes high-increases towards end of infection, intestinal parasites, BPH Monocyte low-steroids Eosinophils high-intestinal parasites, food and environmental allergies, asthma Eosinophil low-steroids, adrenal stress Basophil high-non-specific inflammation, intestinal parasites Clinical pearl: 1. Increase WBC with increase neutrophil-likely acute bacterial 2. Increase WBC with increase lymphocytes-likely acute viral 3. Low WBC with increase neutrophil-likely chronic bacterial 4. Low WBC with increase lymphocyte-likely chronic bacterial 5. Elevated monocyte greater than 7 and eosinophil greater than 3 likely intestinal parasite. Dr. Jin Sung is a Chiropractic Physician who specializes in the management of complex chronic conditions in Massachusetts, 30 minutes north of Boston. He utilizes natural and alternative therapies to help manage complex cases such as Hashimoto's, autoimmune conditions, IBS, SIBO, chronic fatigue, brain fog, early Alzheimer's, etc.   / drjinwsung   Office Contact 978 688-6999 Dr. Sung's Online Supplement Dispensary-conditions apply. Certain companies will require a prescription from Dr. Sung. SEARCH on Dr. Sung's Online Store Fish oil EPA/DHA Essentials-Pure Encapsulations OmegaGenics® EPA-DHA 1000-Metagenics Biomega-1000™-Biotics Research Resveratrol-Pure Encapsulations Resveratrol VESIsorb-Pure Encapsulations Resveratrol EXTRA-Pure Encapsulations Resveratrol Supreme-Designs for Health Pure Encapsulation NAC N-Acetylcysteine Apex Energetics-Glutathione Recycler Pure Encapsulation Quercetin DFH Quercetin + Nettles Ortho Molecular Natural D-Hist Pure Encapsulation PureDefense w/NAC Theracurmin HP Curcum-Evail C3 Curcumin Complex CurcumaSorb Curcumin + C (Longvida) 400mg The content of this video is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Please consult with your physician before embarking on any dietary changes or taking any nutritional supplements.