Nintendo Switch 2 Reveal TOMORROW?!

Nintendo Switch 2 Reveal TOMORROW?!

The internet is going wild as all of the Nintendo rumors are pointing towards the Nintendo Switch 2 being revealed on January 16th! Are these rumors true or is it another fake out? Fandom Fix breaks down the news out there, what people are saying & what we think will be the launch game lineup for this next-gen console. More videos from Fandom Fix: ✅✅ What 3D Mario Game Will Be Next? 🔗🔗    • What 3D Mario Game Will Be Next?   ✅✅ Exciting 2025 Nintendo Releases! 🔗🔗    • Exciting 2025 Nintendo Releases! #nin...   ✅✅ Reacher Season 3 Trailer Reaction 🔗🔗    • Reacher Season 3 Trailer Reaction   #nintendo #nintendogame #nintendoswitch #nintendoswitch2 #nintendonews #nintendorumors #nintendoswitchrumors #videogame #videogamenews #mario #metroidprime4 #nintendoswitchgames #nextgengaming #fandomfix #mariogame #donkeykong #donkeykongcountry #donkeykongcountryreturns