Rajasthan Rent Control Act,2001 | part-2 | Tribunal | chapter-3 complete | Case laws |
Rajasthan Rent Control Act,2001 | part-2 | Rent Tribunal and Appellate Rent Tribunal | Section 13 & 19 | chapter-3 complete | Section-8 Limited Period Of tenancy | Section-9 Eviction of tenants | Section-10 Immediate recovery of possession | Case laws | | Civil Minor | RJS | Revision of Rent | Amenities | Constitutionality | Who is Landlord | Who is Tenant | What is Premises | Detailed Discussion | Hi This is Adv. Happy Sharma Here Content:-Rajasthan Rent Control Act,2001 Join us on:- telegram group- https://t.me/Advocate_Happy_Sharma telegram channel- https://t.me/LawHours WhatsApp group:- https://chat.whatsapp.com/HzxhVt0jd0f... Thanks to:- Tansukh Paliwal Sir JK Sir MJ Sir RJ Study Point Tag-related video: #judiciary #judiciary #law #rjs #ipcsections #lawinformation