Health Vocabulary for IELTS

Health Vocabulary for IELTS

The topic of health often comes up in the IELTS exam. It could appear in any section and so you should be prepared to talk about it. Don't worry... you won't have to say anything personal and you aren't expected to have an expert knowledge of health matters, but knowing some basic vocabulary is essential. In this video lesson, I want to teach you some vocabulary about the following categories: 1) Human anatomy 2) Common illnesses 3) Common medicines and treatments 4) Things that threaten our health By learning in this way, we can make the process easier. We will look at many useful words and phrases, as well as a few common mistakes that you need to avoid. You can learn more here: In the video, I also mentioned a useful resource for discussing mental health. You can find that here: Chapters 00:00 Introduction 00:40 Health and the IELTS Exam – an Overview 02:09 IELTS Health Vocabulary 02:53 Human Anatomy 04:39 Common Illnesses 06:28 Common Medicines or Medical Treatments 08:50 Things That Threaten People’s Health 10:22 Conclusion #IELTS #Vocabulary #LearnEnglish === FREE IELTS MATERIALS ► Visit for the best IELTS resources. DAILY IELTS LESSONS ► Follow us on Facebook:   / tedielts   ► Follow us on Instagram:   / tedielts   ► Follow us on Twitter:   / tedielts   IELTS BOOKS ► Buy PDF copies of my books: Or find them on Amazon as Kindle and printed books: ► Grammar for IELTS Writing: ► A Complete Guide to IELTS Writing: ► How to Write the Perfect Essay for IELTS: WRITING CORRECTION ► Get your IELTS essays marked by an expert: