Let's Play Resident Evil 4 Remake | Chapters 1-8 | Professional Difficulty

Let's Play Resident Evil 4 Remake | Chapters 1-8 | Professional Difficulty

So I changed up the format, I wanted to do it as one video, but Youtube didn't let me, so it's gonna be 2 parts, and here's the first! If this is the first time you've seen my channel, I'm a Texas Chainsaw Massacre creator, trying out something new! Part 2 here -    • Let's Play Resident Evil 4 Remake | C...   Let's Play Resident Evil 4 Remake Chapters: 00:00 - Intro 01:23 - CUTSCENE - So it begins! 06:03 - He might just be doing a number 2 06:57 - CUTSCENE - Home invading goes wrong! 08:10 - If it is a number 2, he's going hard 08:44 - CUTSCENE - Ok, not a number 2 then 09:18 - Man survives Chuck Norris Kick 10:16 - CUTSCENE - Leon does his own stunts 11:36 - When's bingo? 21:00 - CUTSCENE - Finally, bingo! 22:28 - Mass Burglary 43:26 - CUTSCENE - Big beardy welcomes us 45:02 - CUTSCENE - Leon's suspiciously comfortable chained up 47:16 - Night in Glasgow simulator 50:13 - MERCHANT - Strain-jah things 55:50 - Leon murders and pillages another village 01:07:21 - MERCHANT - Even strain-jah things 01:08:26 - POV: Doing a poo then Leon S. Kennedy barges your door in and shotguns you 01:16:15 - PUZZLE - Yes, I'm chaptering these because I suck at them 01:16:44 - Leon's Home invader fetish is out of control 01:17:14 - CUTSCENE - Hot woman interrupts our free eye exam 01:18:37 - If this idiot says doggo one more time... 01:26:23 - MERCHANT - Selling our ill-gotten gains 01:28:19 - Lesson learned, Desecrating graves pays off 01:36:21 - MERCHANT - Wanna buy a random snake I found? 01:38:04 - SHOOTING GALLERY - Be nice about my aim please 01:43:04 - We're gonna need... well, any boat 01:43:59 - CUTSCENE - OMG WHAT IS THAT.... lets grab a boat and go pet it 01:44:33 - Fishing village falls to Leon's wrath 01:54:46 - CUTSCENE - Nice day for fishin', ain't it? Hua ha! 01:56:01 - BOSS - Should we throw this one back in? 01:59:44 - CUTSCENE - That's gotta be a fishing record, right?! 02:00:55 - CUTSCENE - No, your mum's a sacrificial lamb 02:02:27 - Man lost at sea in a lake 02:31:34 - MERCHANT - Red9? More like... dead... nine... leave me alone, I tried 02:34:10 - Leon: Good thing I kept these creepy head things for some reason 02:48:50 - MERCHANT - Red9? More like... red... line, of blood, when you shoot them... whatever 02:50:10 - I'm sure nothing bad will happen on the way back 02:51:11 - CUTSCENE - Something bad happened on the way back 02:51:40 - BOSS - Designation: Big Boy 02:59:30 - PUZZLE - Who puts this in their church? 03:02:21 - CUTSCENE - I have this effect meeting women too 03:03:40 - CUTSCENE - When I try this, they call the police 03:04:17 - I won't let anything happen to Baby Eagle! Uhh.... that doesn't count 03:10:14 - MERCHANT - Going for power, no not like that 03:11:15 - No breaks for you! 03:29:42 - MERCHANT - Needing all the help we can get 03:33:19 - CUTSCENE - It's game time 03:34:30 - The murder cabin 03:40:31 - CUTSCENE - WHY'D IT TAKE YOU THIS LONG TO DO THAT?! 03:42:50 - CUTSCENE - Ada being mean 03:44:30 - MERCHANT - TMP regret 03:46:38 - There's the smart way, then the Stephalump way 03:56:07 - CUTSCENE - Voted the world's most pointless backflip 03:56:26 - Leon's not up for a threesome 04:04:19 - CUTSCENE - Big Beardy's back 04:04:59 - Powered by Great Big Bushy Beard energy 04:05:28 - CUTSCENE - Needs to work on his death stare 04:06:06 - MERCHANT - Red 9? More like... bread... and wine... oh who cares 04:08:16 - CUTSCENE - Getting ugly 04:09:21 - BOSS - Ruining Big Beardy's tapdancing career 04:12:38 - CUTSCENE - Looting greater than survival instincts 04:13:50 - You want a thank you!? 04:16:26 - MERCHANT - Yo, you want this guys glass eye I found? 04:21:30 - Who'd use catapults like this though? 04:33:32 - MERCHANT - Blacktail? More like... whack... snail... Yep I'm still doing this 04:34:49 - CUTSCENE - The Saturday morning cartoon is that way... bro 04:36:29 - Does this count as animal abuse too? 04:46:37 - PUZZLE - I know, the solution was in my face 04:48:57 - Leon's mum lets him get away with anything 04:54:45 - MERCHANT - Blacktail? More like... snack... fail... It's hard to think of merchant chapter titles 04:56:01 - Are we sure that's water? 05:12:32 - CUTSCENE - Gimme my damn knife back 05:13:33 - Leon sucks at status reports 05:15:05 - MERCHANT - Ok I'm starting to give up on Merchant chapter titles 05:17:16 - MInd blowing chants 05:26:00 - CUTSCENE - Superspy stands close enough to get disarmed like an idiot 05:27:46 - PUZZLE - Getting stoned 05:29:56 - Ragebugs?! Yep I'm calling them that 05:33:05 - MERCHANT - Sure, the stench of battle... that's what that is... 05:34:47 - Big Boy's Bro 05:58:31 - CUTSCENE - Oh yay we get to escort again...