12 AMISH Shocking Fact - How Amish MEN Pee. Probably not how you're thinking. Surprising Restroom!
12 AMISH Shocking Fact - How Amish MEN Pee. Probably not how you're thinking. Surprising Restroom! Welcome to Tan Globe! In today's travel documentary, we're diving into the fascinating world of the Amish with "12 AMISH Shocking Facts - How Amish MEN Pee." You won't believe what we discovered! From surprising restroom practices to unique Amish rules, this video uncovers the lesser-known aspects of Amish life. We'll explore everything from the daily lives of Amish women to the traditions that shape the Amish people. Get ready to be amazed by these facts about Amish culture, as we take you on a journey through the simple yet intriguing ways of the Amish. Let's uncover the most surprising facts about Amish living! Please Subscribe to Our Channel💪 / @tanglobe Key Moments: 00:05 facts about amish. 02:33 amish rules. 05:18 facts about amish. 07:56 amish women. 10:25 facts about amish. 13:39 amish people. 15:59 country facts. 18:33 travel documentary. 👇 Discover more captivating videos about cultures and people around the globe: 👇 15 DIRTIEST Countries in the World in 2024, India Ranks 5th - Women Defecating Openly on the Streets: • 15 DIRTIEST Countries in the World 20... 10 Shocking Secrets About Laos That Will Blow Your Mind | Travel Documentary: • 10 Shocking Secrets About Laos That W... SHOCKED! A Day In SECRETLY EXPENSIVE Life Of Kim Jong Un - World's Richest President: • SHOCKED! A Day In SECRETLY EXPENSIVE ... 10 Countries Desperate for Men: Inside the Women Surplus Crisis - Travel Documentary: • Video 9 Strange Facts About North Korean WOMEN Under Kim Jong Un's Rule That SHOCKED The World: • 9 Strange Facts About North Korean WO... #factsaboutamish #amishrules #amishwomen #amishpeople #traveldocumentary #TanGlobe