Don't Miss the 2025 Planetary Parade!

Don't Miss the 2025 Planetary Parade!

   / @thecosmicinfinity   "The Cosmic Infinity channel delves into the fascinating discoveries made by NASA’s New Horizons probe in the Kuiper Belt. From breathtaking images and insights about Pluto, Charon, and Arrokoth to the mysteries of distant worlds, we take you on a journey to the outer edges of our solar system." Deutsch: "Auf dem Kanal 'The Cosmic Infinity' erkunden wir die faszinierenden Entdeckungen der NASA-Sonde New Horizons im Kuipergürtel. Von atemberaubenden Aufnahmen und Erkenntnissen rund um Pluto, Charon und Arrokoth bis hin zu den Geheimnissen entfernter Welten – wir nehmen dich mit auf eine Reise an die Grenzen unseres Sonnensystems." #NewHorizons #Pluto #SpaceExploration #Astronomy #DwarfPlanet #Geology #KuiperBelt #NASA #OuterSpace #Arrokoth #Charon #Astrophysics #SpaceScience #CosmicJourney #SolarSystem #PlanetaryScience #AstronomyLovers #SpaceMission #UniverseExploration #CosmicWonders #DeepSpace #SpaceImages #Interstellar #SpaceDiscoveries #exploringthecosmos Get ready for an incredible astronomical spectacle! 🌌 In our latest video, "Don't Miss the 2025 Planetary Parade," we dive into the mesmerizing world of planetary alignments. Discover how January and February will showcase six and then seven planets visible to the naked eye, including Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn! Mark your calendars for key events like the stunning conjunctions and crescent moon appearances that will light up the night sky. Whether you're a seasoned astronomer or a casual stargazer, these rare celestial events are not to be missed! Don’t forget to like and share this video with fellow astronomy enthusiasts! #PlanetaryParade #Astronomy #Stargazing #CelestialEvents #NightSky ...more OUTLINE: 00:00:00 Introduction to Planetary Alignments in 2025 00:00:20 January Alignments 00:00:42 Key Dates in January 00:01:02 Venus and Saturn Close Together 00:01:26 Mars and Jupiter in January 00:01:49 Rare Celestial Conjunction in March 00:02:20 February's Seven-Planet Parade 00:02:40 Triple Conjunctions in 2025 00:03:23 September's Celestial Grouping 00:03:51 Conclusion