12-22-2024 Holy Mass | Fourth Sunday of Advent | 9:00 AM

12-22-2024 Holy Mass | Fourth Sunday of Advent | 9:00 AM

Welcome to our live broadcast for the sick and homebound of our parish for this 9:00 AM celebration of Holy Mass of the Fourth Sunday of Advent. We are praying for your health and healing. Please contact our office to discuss an opportunity to have the Eucharist distributed to you. Today’s celebrant: Fr. Sy Nguyen Share your prayer intentions here: https://www.hforange.org/prayer Remember to offer your intention during the Holy Sacrifice and make an act of Spiritual Communion with our Lord after the priest receives his own communion. To access Holy Family’s weekend bulletin: https://www.hforange.org/bulletins Thank you for your support of Holy Family Catholic Church: https://www.hforange.org/giving Additional Diocese of Orange Vocations info: https://www.ocvocations.org/ [Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE with license A-734519.]