(KPOP IN PUBLIC CHALLENGE)                                      (G) -idle: 말괄량이 ( tomboy )

(KPOP IN PUBLIC CHALLENGE) (G) -idle: 말괄량이 ( tomboy )

Hello! We are at10tion💘 We have done this with a lot of love celebrating the anniversary of the group, we hope you like it and thank you very much for these 3 years and for all the support and love that you have given us all this time🥰 We are very grateful@ s with all of you without further ado, thank you totals and enjoy. We love them! And we hope to spend a lot more time with our beloved public♡ see you soonoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo looking forward to seeing you soon ♀️🥳 #gidle #gidletomboy #말괄량이 #tomboygidle #tomboy #(g)-idle #cubeent #cube #neverland #soyeon #minnie #shuhua #miyeon #yuqi #sojin #soojin #onetake #kpopdancecover #kpop #kpopinpublic #kpopinpublicchallenge #kpopinpubliecuador #kpopinpublicguayaquil #kpopinpublicgye #dance #dancevideo #dancer #dancecover #dancemusic #dancehall #dancing #dancingkpop ¡Hola! Somos at10tion💘 Hemos hecho esto con mucho amor celebrando por lo alto el aniversario del grupo, esperamos que sea de su agrado y muchas gracias por estos 3 años y por todo el apoyo y amor que nos han dado todo este tiempo🥰 Estamos muy agradecid@s con todos ustedes sin más, gracias totales y disfruten. Los amamoooooos! Y esperamos pasar mucho tiempo más con nuestro público amado♡ nos vemos prontoooooo🤸‍♀️🥳 ‪@GIDLE12022004‬ ‪@theunitedcube‬ 안녕하세요! 우리는 at10tion💘 그룹의 기념일을 축하하는 마음으로 많은 사랑을 받았는데요, 많이 좋아해 주셨으면 하고 3년동안 그동안 보내주신 응원과 사랑에 너무 감사드립니다🥰 우리는 더 이상 고민하지 않고 여러분 모두와 함께 매우 감사합니다. 총계에 감사하고 즐기십시오. 우리는 그들을 사랑합니다! 그리고 우리 사랑하는 대중들과 더 많은 시간을 보내길 바래요♡ 곧 또 봐요오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오옹 Edited choreo by : Sandra https://instagram.com/hisoysandra.18?... Filmed choreo by: Camili https://instagram.com/killery.c?igshi... FOLLOW US ON : INSTAGRAM:https://instagram.com/at10tiondc.ec?i... TIKTOK:https://www.tiktok.com/@at10tion.ec?_... Menbers: no dejen de seguir a nuestras integrantes: la bella líder : Katty https://instagram.com/min_cloy?igshid... Nuestra maravillosa co_lider: Alison https://instagram.com/alito_gcn?igshi... la espectacular visual: ginger https://instagram.com/gin_mey?igshid=... colaboración especial : Anahy https://instagram.com/_anahy_19?igshi... Sandra https://instagram.com/hisoysandra.18?... Personaje: (G) -idle _ tomboy: Katty: soyeon Alison: shushua ginger: minie Anahy: yuqi Sandra: miyeon