What if we had 2 Heads? + more videos | #aumsum #kids #science #education #whatif

What if we had 2 Heads? + more videos | #aumsum #kids #science #education #whatif

If we had 2 Heads: We will now need to pay double for our haircut. People having a bad hair day may now get extremely frustrated. We will now need 1 more cap, glare, helmet etc. We may not be left with much cash. Our 2 Heads may think very differently, we may end up doing different things with different hands. Our 2 Heads may keep on banging with each other. Our 2 Heads may refuse to share items with each other. If one head starts snoring, the other one may not be able to sleep. Thieves will get caught very easily now. Aliens may start worshiping us. Sellers of shampoo bottles will suddenly double their income. Timecodes 0:00 - What if we had 2 Heads? 1:39 - How do Batteries Work? 2:39 - What if our Hair was made of Gold? 3:36 - What if we become Slower than a Sloth? 4:48 - How does a Hair Straightener Work? 5:56 - Why do we have Leap Years? 7:05 - How do Electromagnets Work? 8:15 - How do Drones Fly? 9:23 - How do Hurricanes Form? Buy AumSum Merchandise: https://www.aumsum.com