आलू चिप्स सफेद रहेंगे लाल भी नहीं होंगे साल भर | Aloo Chips Recipe| Falahari Chips| Potato Wafers
आलू चिप्स सफेद रहेंगे लाल भी नहीं होंगे साल भर बनाने का अनोखा तरीका| Aloo Chips Recipe| Falahari Chips| Potato Wafers Ingredients : 2 Kg Potatoes (आलू ) 2- 3 tbsp Rock salt (सेंधा नमक या नमक ) A pinch Alum ( फिटकरी /तुरटी ) Learn how to make potato wafers at home.होली पर बनाये इस तरीके से चिप्स बनाये कभी ख़राब नहीं होंगे। How to make crispy potato chips at home. sun dried potato chips Hindi recipe video. बनाये घर मे परफेक्ट आलू चिप्स साल भर खाये Sun Dried Homemade Potato Chips Potato Chips are everyone's favorite and they are made in different ways. One of the ways is boiling the chips and then sun drying them and then frying the chips. This method is used to make chips which can be stored for year long and they are ready to fry whenever one wants to eat. crishpy potato chips, instant potato chips, Aalu chips at home, Alu chips recipe, Quick potato chips, Potato chips indian style, आलू चिप्स बनाने के तरीके, Tomato potato chips recipe in hindi, Lays potato chips, Crispy potato chips at home, Potato chips recipe indian, Potato chips recipe fried, Aalu chips recipe in hindi, tasty aloo chips, yummy chips, cooking chips, seemas smart kitchen chips, dried potato chips, बटाटा चिप्स, Batatyache Chips, holi recipes Links for all the products I use: https://www.amazon.in/shop/influencer... #potatochips #cooking #aloocgips #seemassmartkitchen