396 hz Frequency - Remove Subconscious Fears, Worries, Anxiety

396 hz Frequency - Remove Subconscious Fears, Worries, Anxiety

DISCLAIMER:ALL VIDEOS ARE FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. ALL CONTENT USED ARE TAKEN FROM ROYALTY FREE SITES (IMAGES, SOUNDS, VIDEOS) Frequencies are taken from the site (onlinetonegenerator) and added to our videos to ensure authenticity of our videos and frequencies. Welcome to our YouTube channel, where we explore the world of sound frequencies. We create originally edited frequency videos. We make sure that we add these exact frequencies to our videos. The benefits of most of these frequency are not scientifically based, but some people have found benefits in listening to theses sounds. This is the true 396hz frequency for those who would like to try it. UT – 396 Hz – Liberating Guilt and Fear The 396 Hz frequency may help with letting go of stress. It provides some relief from the negative energy and emotions that you may carry around often, like fear, doubt, and guilt. Many people who use solfeggio frequencies say that the 396 Hz tone turns grief into joy. This frequency is also thought to be associated with unblocking the root chakra, the energy point at the base of your spine that keeps you stable and grounded. When blocked, the root chakra can make you feel emotionally insecure, worried, and anxious. Fear and anxiety plague many people. They act as obstacles to taking action, reaching goals, and achieving spiritual self-realization. Tune into the 396 Hz frequency to overcome these feelings, gain self-confidence, and remove barriers to your success, happiness, and inner peace. Remove Subconscious Fears, Worries, Anxiety #396hz #frequências #pinealglandactivation #MeditationMusic #RelaxingMusic #shorts #396