HOW TO KEEP YOUR VIBRATION HIGH DURING TOUGH TIMES! | Raise Your Vibration . #raiseyourvibration #meditationwithchris #vibehigh . "Everything that's going on out there, is a reflection of what's going on in here." People from the Indos Valley knew this, they called the outside world "the maya" because the true kingdom is within you. And everything that's happening outside of you is a mirror reflection of what's going on inside. Hey what's up you guys welcome back to Meditation With Chris, I'm Chris and in this video how to keep your vibration high during tough times. When things seem that they are tough, when things are a little weird, when things are going a little bit shaky, how can we keep our vibration high, why should we keep our vibration high and what does that actually mean? In this video I'm going to show you exactly that, I've got five ways to keep your vibration high during tough times. Right, so as we said a minute ago, everything that's happening out there is a mirror reflection of what's going on, on your inside. That's all reality is, if you want to get to the core essence of how reality actually works, it's all energy guys. Everything is energy, vibration and frequency of light and sound. Even your emotions, are just the energy in motion. We have a certain level of emotions that feel good to us, and actually keep us healthy, connects to our state of mind and our physical health as well. Even the 7 chakra's, resonate at a certain vibrational frequency, each chakra connected to one of the seven main glands in the body. Each one has a certain vibrational frequency, a color, and even an emotion that we can connect directly to them. So you could say that the body is made up, or held together by sound. The body , the mind, and the spirit are so divinely connected, and when you can begin to understand this then you begin to understand how reality actually works, and how you can begin to raise your vibration during tough times. So what is our vibration? Your vibration is what we are, everything is vibration and frequency. Even the clothes I'm wearing might appear solidified but they are vibrating really fast. If you have watched my playlist on the fifth dimension then you will know that right now we are living in a third density reality, what we can perceive with the human eye is all in this third dimension. You know the second dimension (example flat line) because everything in this Universe is made up of divine mathematics. It's all divine mathematics guys, even the way a flower blooms, when it comes out of the ground it has a specific sequence or pattern in the way it blooms and grows, and creates life. If you know about the Fibonacci sequence or the flower of life, the pattern of life or meta-trons cube, I'll link some pictures you can check them out. Everything in this Universe is divine mathematics. So you know about 1 dimension, you know about 2 dimensions, you even know about 3 dimensions, but did you know that everything you perceive is literally in the third dimension? You could say that our mind or how we are living is int he fourth dimension, because what you are perceiving is always a dimension below where you are. So if your in the third dimension - a third dimension - a second dimensional shape can only perceive of a 1 dimensional shape.......... . . . Angel Numbers/ Numerology Playlist - • Playlist . 5D Reality Playlist - • Playlist . Guided Meditations With Chris - • Playlist . The 7 Chakras Playlist - • Playlist . Spiritual Awakening Series - • Playlist . Instagram @meditationwithchris . 1 on 1 guided meditation services & law of attraction coaching - www.meditationwithchristopher.com