Wednesday of the Fifth Week in OT: What Comes Out of the Man is What Defiles Him | Mark 7:14-23
February 7, 2024: Wednesday of the Fifth Week in Ordinary Time Your word, O Lord, is truth: consecrate us in the truth. What Comes Out of the Man is What Defiles Him Gospel | Mark 7:14-23 🙏 "Lord Jesus, help me make my motives and intentions pure. Help me to live only out of a pure heart. May I realize that holiness is found only in serving You and not in serving my public image. Shield my heart from impure motivations, Lord, and ignite within my soul the goodness and love that You have formed me from. Devoid my life now of any defilement so You can fill me with Your truth. Amen." St. Luke the Younger, pray for us.