How To INSTALL a Line Output Converter w/ Stock Radio & Speakers 4 Aftermarket SUB AMP Installation

How To INSTALL a Line Output Converter w/ Stock Radio & Speakers 4 Aftermarket SUB AMP Installation

Time to get busy installing some car audio goodies inside the Toyota Corolla, everyone!!! Today we'll show how to connect and hook up a stock radio to a powered NVX line output converter. The XFLOC2 (LOC) takes factory speaker outputs coming from your cars stereo system, and lowers the voltage to much safer levels for wiring RCA wires to aftermarket amplifiers. The (2 channel) rear speakers will provide all the signal needed to convert from high to low level RCA. That way adding an upgraded subwoofer and bass amplifier to a stock head unit can be an easy installation, and fully adjustable with this adapter connected! Thanks For Watching!!!   / exocontralto     / exocontralto     / exocontralto      / exocontralto   Link To NVX Line-Output Converter Tools Used: XPLOC Line Output Converter Box 16awg Speaker Wires 14awg Automotive Wires Wire Strippers Ratchet Crimping Tool Soldering Gun or Wand Station Solder & Heatshink (OR - Butt Connectors & Tape) Heat Gun Flux Paste 8" Zip Ties Socket Set RCA Cables Digital Multi-Meter Music By: AudioBlocks & YouTube Music Library Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Connecting More Sound Setups & BIG INSTALLS Soon! Simple, Easy & Universal LOC Install & Tutorial! EXOcontralto Bassheads Unite 2019