Teental Lahra || Scale C# || Raag Charukeshi|| With Aalap || Melodious Lahra || By Mohit Sahani ||
Published on 1st August 2024. Samwadini - Mohit Sahani (Varanasi) Q. What Is Lahra? ✓ •• Lahra •• LAHRA is also known as Nagma. A lahra is a fixed melody, based on a particular raga, and composed in a particular tal. The lahra outlines, or shows the tal, usually by clearly following the vibhags (divisions). In performance, we hear lahra in tabla solo, commonly performed by a sārangī player, or by a harmonium player. Other instruments are sometimes used but these two are the most common. The role of these accompanists is similar to what tabla players do in accompaniment: keep time for the tabla player. This means both keeping the rhythm and showing the tal. For listeners, lahra melodies can help you follow the tal when listening to a tabla solo, or to some of the demonstrations on this website. Lahra can also help you get a feel for a particular tal’s structure. These days, most tabla players regularly use lahra melodies in their practice. Before smartphones, players used a lahra machine. •• ••Instruments Used•• Harmonium - Swaranuja By Tanmay Deochake. Tanpura - Itablapro. •• #musician #indianclassicalmusicians #song #cover #lahra #nagma #harmonium #harmoniumtutorial #harmoniumbajanasikhen #harmonium_class #harmonium_lesson_for_beginners #tabla #tablacover #tablaplayer #tablasolo #tablaboy #tablaclasses #tablainstrumental #tablamusic #tablalovers #tablashorts #sanjusahai #ptsanjusahai #kumarbose #zakirhussain #sukhvindersinghsukhu #sukhwindersinghpinky #yogeshsamsi #yashwantvaishnav