3 Common ADHD symptoms in Children- ADHD symptoms in Children- Urdu- Child with ADHD

3 Common ADHD symptoms in Children- ADHD symptoms in Children- Urdu- Child with ADHD

Dr. Maahin Rizwan talks about "3 Common ADHD symptoms in Children- ADHD symptoms in Children- Urdu- Child with ADHD" https://g.page/Best_Psychiatry_Clinic https://psychiatryclinic.org/   / psychiatryclinic1   ADHD is one of the common neuro psychiatric disorders in children nowadays. problems of ADHD in children is gradually increasing the children with ADHD has three core clusters of symptoms. the first group of symptoms of ADHD in children is in attention this children are not able to focus for logger period. in comparison to the other children which are able to focus such as in classroom in day to day activities. they have a very short tension span. they don't attend to the parental instructions. the children with ADHD usually try to avoid those activities that require longer attention. The other major group of symptoms of ADHD in children is hyper activity the parents complaints that the children are active for the whole day. "there is some sort of motor in children". in the third group of symptoms of ADHD in children is the impulsivity. the fidget frequently. they are not able to wait for their terms. they start the answering the questions before the question is finished. This Video covers ADHD in children how to identify ADHD in children symptoms of ADHD in children ADHD in Urdu attention deficit hyperactive disorder