Starry Night Painting on Mug|Tutorial to paint Vincent Van Gogh's Starry night|Mug/Cup Painting DIY|

Starry Night Painting on Mug|Tutorial to paint Vincent Van Gogh's Starry night|Mug/Cup Painting DIY|

Paint Vincent Van Gogh's Starry night on mug/cup. Tutorial to paint Starry Night. Give an old Coffee Mug/Cup a new look,turn in into Starry night. Music: Starry Night Artist: Don McLean Album: American Pie Released: 1971 Genre: Singer-Songwriter (I No way intend any credit for this song,this beautiful song belongs to artist Don McLean) For more info: The Starry Night Painting,famous for its infinite brush strokes is Vincent Van Gogh's amazing creation. I tried to recreate this on a mug,which can be used either as a coffee mug or as a pen stand or to hold anything. Colours used: 1.Cobalt Blue hue 2.Prussian Blue. 3.Black 4.Titanium White 5.Lemon yellow 6.Permanent Yellow deep 7.Sap green If you recreate this ,tag me on my Instagram: #starrynight #starrynighttutorial #vangogh #vincentvangogh #mugpainting #vangoghrecreation #diy #creativelockdown Hope you like this video and for more useful contents SUBSCRIBE,Like and Share this video. Also,I would be posting videos every Saturday(hopefully). Stay connected,stay creative!♥️