Plato Theory of JUSTICE | प्लेटो के न्याय का सिद्धान्त | Plato ka nyay
#politicalsciencein10minutes #politicalscience #politicalthought #WesternPoliticalThought #प्लेटो 🔰🔰 Plato | प्लेटो | Plato Theory of JUSTICE | प्लेटो के न्याय का सिद्धान्त | Plato ka nyay🔰🔰 🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼 Hello Friends! in this video, I am discussing western Political Thought Ancient greek political institutions Plato Theory of Justice in hindi 00:09 Introduction 01:18 Prevailing Theory of Justice 02:10 Traditional Theory of Justice 03:10 Radical Theory of Justice 04:22 Pragmatic Theory of Justice 05:08 Plato's Theory of Soul 06:58 Plato's Myths of Metals and Earth Born 08:30 Plato's Theory of Justice 10:25 Types of Plato's Justice 11:27 State is Individual Writ Large 12:29 Characteristics of Plato's Theory of Justice 13:07 Criticism of Plato's Theory of Justice Some important books for Political Thought 1) Western Political Thought by O.P. Gauba (English) https://amzn.to/2N3w1JI 2) Western Political Thought: From the Ancient Greeks to Modern Times by Shefali Jha (English) https://amzn.to/2YRj34j 3)Western Political Thought: From Plato to Burke {Vol. 1} by Urmila Sharma & S.K. Sharma https://amzn.to/2Ls4u4e 4)Western Political Thought: From Bentham to Present Day {Vol. 2} by Urmila Sharma & S.K. Sharma (English) https://amzn.to/3jslPGN 5)Paschatya Rajniti Vicharak By O.P. Gauba (Hindi) https://amzn.to/3ty6U2p 6)Western Political Thought: From Socrates to the Age of Ideology, by BRIAN R. NELSON (English) https://amzn.to/36R7UFg I have tried to simplify the topic to understand easily. This Topic is very important to understand western political thought Do Comment below ⤵ for your Doubts and suggestions. 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 Follow me on social media 🔴 Instagram: / political.science.in.10.minute 🔵 Facebook: / politicalsciencein10mintues 🟣 Telegram: https://t.me/politicalsciencein10minutes Tags: western political thought,political philosophy,western political thought by rashmi,plato, plato history in hindi,Ancient greek political institutions,WPT, Plato Theory of Justice in Hindi, Plato theory of soul, plato ke nyay ka sidhhant #politicalscience #westernpoliticalthought #plato #rashmimourya #PlatoTheoryofjustice