9/24/2023 - 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time
You may view or download the service bulletin here: https://mcusercontent.com/4e5817c5144...
27th Sunday in Ordinary Time: 9:30am Mass
25th Sunday in Ordinary Time - 9/24/2023
Announcements - 9/24/2023
10/1/2023, 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 9 AM Mass
Homily from 9-24-2023 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time A
Fr. Carmel's Homily - 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time (9-24-2023) at Saint Mary's
The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard: 25th Sunday Ordinary Time Year A. Homily. 9/24/2023
9/24/2023 English Mass
Sunday 11:15am Mass 9/24/2023 25th Sunday in ordinary time
9/24/2023 Spanish Mass
XXV Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 9/24/2023
Twenty Fifth Sunday In Ordinary Time VN Mass. 9/24/2023, 7:00PM. St Francis of Assisi, Laquinta, CA
Mass, Sunday at 5:30 PM (9/24/2023)
4:00 PM Mass | Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time | 9/24/2023
Holy Spirit Parish | Swahili Mass | 9/24/2023 | 25th Sunday Ordinary Time
Mass, Sunday at 1:00 PM (9/24/2023)
Twenty-fifth Sunday In Ordinary Time (Special Mass)
PREMIERE | Evening Prayer for Monday of the 25th Week in Ordinary Time (9/24/2023)
9-24-2023 - 25th Sunday of Ordinary Time - 3PM Mass in Vietnamese
Misa Dominical - 9/24/2023 - XXV Domingo Ordinario