Mon Dec 25/23: 9:00am |Divine Liturgy -Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ
DIVINE LITURGY OF ST. JOHN CHRYSOSTOM. We welcome all our viewers to the Divine Liturgy. We wish you and all your household blessings and joy from Christ! As always, we are extremely grateful for your financial and tithing support! If you wish to make an offering, please add "[email protected]" to your e-transfer list on your banking app or web page - or if by credit card to "canadahelps.org" website and search for Ukrainian Orthodox Parish of St. John .We look to you, our dedicated members and supporters, for assistance in covering the costs of our cathedral's essential operations. Thank-you, again, for your help! We invite you to submit names for commemoration of your family and loved-ones for Proskomedia and Divine Liturgy. Please visit our FACEBOOK page to fill-in the electronic form. We also invite you to SUBSCRIBE to this channel, in order to receive updates and announcements about future broadcasts! Please do VISIT our web site, "www.uocc-stjohn.ca," and our Facebook page, or SIGN ON to our email distribution list for other updates and information.