4 Steps to Reprogram your Subconscious Mind. Dr Joe Dispenza

4 Steps to Reprogram your Subconscious Mind. Dr Joe Dispenza

"Here are 2 benefits of reprogramming your subconscious mind: You can heal yourself from physical injuries. You can achieve your goals by controlling your thoughts and emotions." This is Hindi Practical motivation from Hum Jeetenge, #HumJeetenge #Practical =============================================== Video Chapters Summary 00:00 HumJeetenge 00:41 Fateful Accident 01:29 Standstill 02:10 Troubles of the Mind 02:46 Break Through 04:09 1. Higher Intelligence 04:25 2. Responsibility of Attention 05:25 3. Reinvent from Future 05:43 Mental Rehearsal 06:26 4. Gratitude 07:19 Summary ================================================ Power of Intention Setting👉👉   • [Everytime & Everyday] Program your S...   ================================================ Please.. if you find anything that belongs to you and should be taken down before you claim it to youtube contact me here: [email protected] and I will delete it right away, I have worked really hard for this channel, I'm sure you'll understand. ================================================ Social Links Facebook http://bit.ly/36TJdWD Instagram http://bit.ly/2AmxUIa ================================================ जीतने वालों, मेरा Goal है जल्दी से जल्दी (500k*10) 5M subscriptions पहुंचना| Subscribe ज़रूर ज़रूर ज़रूर करें. Please subscribe to the channel - https://goo.gl/nat4z1 Most Recent Video - https://goo.gl/Q2u8Wm Most Popular Video - https://goo.gl/wzcVY1 ================================================ New Videos every Wednesday and Friday ================================================ हिम्मत, हरकत, होशियारी Himmat Harkat Hoshiyari हम जीतेंगे Hum Jeetenge Music Credits Music name -: Eternity by Whitesand    • Whitesand - Eternity (Epic Beautiful ...   Music Credits Music name -: Eternity by Whitesand    • Whitesand - Eternity (Epic Beautiful ...   Bandcamp Link for-: https://whitesand.bandcamp.com/ Spotify-:https://open.spotify.com/artist/3GXun...