Sunday July 25, 2021 | 10 AM 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sunday July 25, 2021 | 10 AM 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Presider: Fr. Artur click below --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cantors: The cantor this weekend is Sabrina Pasko. Sam Johnson will play at the Saturday 5pm mass. Antonio Lopez will play at the Sunday 10am mass. Six-student choir will sing at the Sunday 10am mass. Prelude: Meditation--J. Urey, S. Thormalen Gathering: Table of Plenty Psalm: Ps 145 The Hand of the Lord Feeds Us-- The hand of the Lord feeds us, he answers all our needs. Gifts: Eat This Bread Communion: In the Breaking of the Bread Communion Meditation: Open My Heart for Grandparents--music by J. Manibusen, special text by M. Hanson Recessional: O Taste and See Postlude: Echo Fanfare--G. Martin Te Joseph Celebrent translation: Let the hosts of heaven celebrate you, Joseph, Let all the choirs of Christendom resound you who, famous for your merits, was joined to the glorious Virgin in chaste wedlock. You did embrace the new-born Lord, and to the furthest Egypt coasts you followed Him in exile, Lost in Jerusalem, you sought and found Him, mixing joy with tears. Spare us, highest Trinity, as we pray, Grant that through Joseph's merits we may rise to heaven, So that at last we may offer perpetually our grateful songs. ****************************************************** 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time Prayer of the Faithful Our response is: Lord, hear our prayer. For the Church, that we will be filled with gratitude for all the ways God has provided for us and share the blessings God has given us with all who hunger and thirst for a fuller life. We pray to the Lord. For grandparents and senior citizens, that we will heed their wisdom, tend to their needs, and show love and respect for the lives they have shared with their families and the world. We pray to the Lord. For all who bring food to our table each day, that God will abundantly bless and provide for those who farm, transport, stock the shelves, and cook the food we eat. We pray to the Lord. For all who endure hunger each day, that God will open avenues for food to reach them and help our hearts to be more sensitive to their needs. We pray to the Lord. For all who are suffering, that God will send rain to end the drought, guide those fighting wildfires, and give strength to those recovering from disasters. We pray to the Lord. For all who are ill, especially Barbara Medina, Leo James Mahoney (the infant grandson of Marcie Aprea), Donna and Bill Palmer, Victor Cruz, those afflicted by the coronavirus, and all who are remembered in our parish bulletin, that God will restore them to health and wholeness. We pray to the Lord. For family, friends, and parishioners who have died, especially Nancy Brigham, Eleonora Coviello, Monsignor Eugene Boland, the victims of the coronavirus, and for 5:00 pm Mark Pollard, and Philomena Trapani, 7:30 am The People of St. Patrick Parish, 10:00 am Mary Kathleen Landy, Jay Stewart, Tom Walsh, and Peter and Maria Roitero, whom we remember at this Mass, that they may be held forever in God’s loving embrace. We pray to the Lord. The second collection this weekend is for buildings and grounds ========================================== Announcements: July 17/18, 2021