How to do Side Crow Pose | Parsva Bakasana Tutorial with Briohny Smyth
Learn how to do Side Crow Pose (Parsva Bakasana). This free beginner video tutorial will teach you the proper alignment and technique to help you safely move into Side Crow Pose. Continue practicing with this full-length yoga class: https://alomov.es/side_crow_YT Side Crow is an advanced arm-balancing pose that incorporates a detoxifying twist. This is a continuation of Crow Pose. Here are some health benefits of Side Crow Pose: Strengthens your entire upper body Improves your core strength Stretches your back and groin muscles Aids in digestion and detoxification of internal organs How to do Side Crow Pose: 1. Come into a toe stand position on your mat and twist toward one side. 2. Bring your opposite side tricep as high as possible on your outer thigh and place both hands flat on your mat about shoulder-distance apart. 3. Lean forward and begin to bend your elbows to tip your shoulders down and your hips up. 4. While gazing down and slightly forward, point your toes to lift your feet off the ground. 5. Pull your heels to your glutes to engage your hamstrings. Liked this Side Crow Pose tutorial? Kickstart your home yoga practice with a free two-week trial to AloMoves.com. We recommend this full-length yoga class: Patrick Beach’s Side Crow: https://alomov.es/side_crow_YT Subscribe to the Alo Moves Youtube channel for more yoga pose breakdowns, tutorials, and inspiration!