Let's play Resident Evil 2 Remake (Part 1) - Leon 2nd Run (Hardcore Difficulty)

Let's play Resident Evil 2 Remake (Part 1) - Leon 2nd Run (Hardcore Difficulty)

-- Watch live at   / lady_nexus   February 7, 2020 ( 1:56 ) -- Ahhhhhh it's my boy, Leon!! :) ( 3:28 ) -- Anybody else wish that we could have had another section of the city to explore to make up for the amount of time it takes Leon to get to the station and for Claire to get through the entire first section of the RPD? Yet another missed opportunity of this remake. ( 7:00 ) -- First death of the stream and it was practically right at the beginning. ( 19:58 ) -- Oh look it's our fedora loving giant ( 25:06 ) -- RE2 Remake listened to my criticisms of "too many headshots" ^_^ ( 44:03 - 50:53 ) -- Taking care of my dog so extended silence right there ( 1:15:28 ) -- Finding Claire's letter inside the STARs office ( 1:34:00 - 1:35:45 ) -- More extended silence ( 1:40:54 ) -- Opening up the secret passageway ( 1:43:47 - 1:47:55 ) -- Gonna do something crazy: KNIFE ONLY BIRKIN FIGHT!!! LET'S GOOOOO ( 1:53:20 ) -- Cutscene time! AEON, the OTP meet for the first time ( 1:59:55 ) -- Cutscene time! Meeting Ben. This dude looks way older than... 26? Wow. ( 2:45:20 ) -- Meeting the Tyrant -- oops, sorry. Mr X... ( 2:46:03 - 2:47:40 ) -- More extended silence ( 3:02:23 ) -- Clocktower section ( 3:11:45 - 3:34:33 ) -- This puzzle took a WHILE to get it complete in 10 moves O.o ( 3:35:08 ) -- Cutscene time :) Audio recording of Ben and Annette ( 3:36:57 ) -- Cutscene time :) Ada saves Leon again! ( 3:41:02) -- Finding Jill's letter to Kendo ( 3:43:33 ) -- Cutscene time :( Finding Kendo and his daughter ( 3:50:00 ) -- Going into the sewers and finding the infected alligator ( 3:58:54 ) -- Cutscene time :) Meeting Annette, Leon getting shot, and Ada treating him ( 4:00:27 ) -- Ada's section but ending just before the oven sequence lol