Fourth Sunday of Advent   Wednesday Reflection

Fourth Sunday of Advent Wednesday Reflection

God’s Blessings to you from our parish family at St. Agatha-St. Martin de Porres Parish. I offer this reflection on the Scriptures for this coming Sunday for your spiritual nourishment and encouragement. Let’s take a moment before we begin to recognize God’s presence in each of us and to give thanks for all our blessings. (Brief pause) My friends, Christmas is upon us. We celebrate faith, family, community, relationship – most importantly, God’s relationship with us made manifest in Him giving us His Only Begotten Son to live, grow, experience every human emotion, grow into his own identity, suffer and die for us. To counter our culture of materialism and consumerism, we know the mantra, “Jesus is the reason for the season!” and, yes, that is true. But I also believe that in God the Father’s heart, WE are the reason for the Season with God taking great joy in offering us the Supreme Gift of His Son for our salvation. So what is our response? Advent has given us the opportunity to listen to the voice of God beckoning us to a deeper relationship with His Son, to a greater openness to allow God to guide us in finding new ways to develop and share the unique gifts God has given each of us. At Christmas – and really every day – God invites our yes, as He did with Mary and Joseph, to be more life-giving to the world – to those closest to us and to all who are in need. Every year for over 20 years I have written a Christmas poem. I offer his for your reflection as we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, our brother, Lord and Savior.... It's titled “Hush, be still!” Hush, be still, new dawns a-breakin Sun crests horizon, light’s rays ignite A stirring of love so overwhelming One’s spirit dances with pure delight. + Hush, be still, let all fear be assuaged God seeks living vessel, in new life to imbue. Uniting your deepest longing for the eternal To the Eternal One’s ageless longing for you. + Angels in flesh, in spirit, bear the missive Your purpose, God’s hope, they humbly request Your uniqueness, your gifts to offer the world Your ‘yes’ that, with God, they be manifest. + Hush, be still, your Savior is coming Ancestors, saints, companions have paved the way Their assent to faith, to God’s path for them Their wisdom, encouragement, with you today: + ‘Over world’s empty promises, Love ever prevails Strictures of flesh, Spirit/faith will transcend. ‘A way out of no way,’ our God will provide those Who abide in His promise of love/life without end.’ + Hush, be still, Virgin’s voice ‘cross the ages Seeks to rest in your heart, with you to be one Affirming your blessedness, your singular purpose Beckoning your assent, “May God’s will be done!” + Hush, be still, let Christ be your Guide To fearlessly set all needless fear aside To grieve past hurts, to mend divisions Relentless in hope, in faith ever to abide. + Hush, be still, find rest in His arms Heart joined with His heart, beating as one The prayers of the saints buoying your spirit With ancestral voices now urging you on. + Hush now, be still, the Savior’s a-borning Seeking a home, to ever dwell in your heart Offering love unconditional, endless forgiveness Courage, counsel and grace only He can impart. + Hush, be still, notice angels approaching Bearing a message meant just for you A salutation, a blessing, an invitation The hope of God that your heart will renew. + “Greetings, my child, may you ever be blessed For every humble kindness, every generous ‘yes.’ For taking risks for love, to care for my poor For every time I knocked that you opened the door + See in the newborn Child the face of every child Seeking safety, stability and the chance to grow Free from violence, from fear and from hunger That through, with and in you … the boundless love of God they will know.” (Brief pause) On behalf of the Catholic Christian Family of St. Agatha-St. Martin de Porres, I want to invite you to join us for Mass this coming Saturday, Christmas Eve at St. Martin de Porres beginning with Christmas Caols and Children’ Pageant at 4:00 p.m. and Mass at 5:00 p.m. St. Agatha at 9:00 a.m. or on Sunday, Christmas Day at 10:00 a.m. at St. Agatha. Both services are also offered online. We welcome your participation in our community prayer of praise and thanksgiving. Please take the time to share this video with others on Facebook – it is a great way for you to participate in spreading the Good News. Thank you for all the ways that you allow the Lord to work through you, with you and in you - and, in all things, be blessed!