How to make youtube thumbnail in photoshop [tutorial on photoshop]               #youtubethumbnail

How to make youtube thumbnail in photoshop [tutorial on photoshop] #youtubethumbnail

Hello designers in this video i'm going to teach you how to make this youtube thumbnail design in photoshop step by step . General Shortcuts for you New Layer Ctrl + Shift + N (Windows) / Cmd + Shift + N (Mac) Quickly create a new layer. Duplicate Layer Ctrl + J (Windows) / Cmd + J (Mac) Duplicates the active layer. Move Tool V Activates the Move tool for repositioning elements. Transform Tool Ctrl + T (Windows) / Cmd + T (Mac) Free transform your selection or layer. Undo/Redo Ctrl + Z (Windows) / Cmd + Z (Mac) Undo the last action. Press again to redo. Selection Tools Select All Ctrl + A (Windows) / Cmd + A (Mac) Select the entire canvas or image. Deselect Ctrl + D (Windows) / Cmd + D (Mac) Deselect any active selection. Reselect Ctrl + Shift + D (Windows) / Cmd + Shift + D (Mac) Reselect the last active selection. Lasso Tool L Switch between Lasso, Polygonal Lasso, and Magnetic Lasso. Marquee Tool M Switch between rectangular and elliptical selection tools. Brush & Painting Tools Brush Tool B Activates the Brush tool. Change Brush Size [ or ] Decrease or increase brush size. Brush Hardness Shift + [ or ] Decrease or increase brush hardness. Eyedropper Tool I Pick a color from your image. Switch Foreground and Background Colors X Quickly swap between foreground and background colors. Layer & Mask Management Merge Layers Ctrl + E (Windows) / Cmd + E (Mac) Merge selected layers. Create Clipping Mask Ctrl + Alt + G (Windows) / Cmd + Option + G (Mac) Clip a layer to the layer below. Add Layer Mask Alt + Click on Add Layer Mask icon Quickly create a mask and hide the selected area. Lock Layer Transparency / Lock the transparency of the current layer to prevent it from being painted over. Toggle Visibility of Layer Alt + Click on Eye Icon View only the selected layer by hiding all others. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOWNLOAD ASSETS: INSTAGRAM: FIVERR: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This video can solve these search terms youtube thumbnail thumbnail design for beginners thumbnail design tutorial thumbnail thumbnail design photoshop thumbnail design youtube thumbnail design tips thumbnail design ideas how to make youtube thumbnail thumbnail design tutorial thumbnail speed art thumbnail layer breakdown thumbnail design basic thumbnail in photoshop basic thumbnail design learn thumbnail design thumbnail design tutorial hindi