Linear Programming | Slack | Surplus | Binding Constraint | Shadow Price | ACCA | CPA | CIMA | CMA
This video from Commerce Specialist explains the concept of Linear Programming. Detailed Explanation is given regarding What is Linear Programming, When to use Linear Programming, how to take decision when there is multiple constraints, how to use linear programming for multiple constraints, Linear Programming using graphical solutions, Linear Programming using equations, How to calculate shadow prices, how to calculate surplus, how to calculate binding constraint, how to calculate slack, how to find feasible region, what are iso-contribution lines etc. This video is relevant for students of ACCA, CMA, CA, CIMA, CPA, MBA and students of other professional qualifications. LINK TO JOIN MY DEDICATED PAID GROUP: / commercespecialist To support my channel, Buy my merch, link is given below: https://allnew4u.creator-spring.com/ My website's link: https://www.comparativeedge.com Contact me on: [email protected] #linearprogramming #slacksurplusbindingconstraints #shadowprice