PaJeon(Green Onion Pancake)

PaJeon(Green Onion Pancake)

i recently had to not only tighten my expenses, but manage my tight schedule as well. Recipes like this is something i crave, because they are so easy, affordable, and delicious ----------------------------------- Recipe and description found here : If you do not have the "Jeon" Mix here is what youll need 1cup flour 1 tsp salt 1 cup cold iced water dipping: some soy sauce a little bit of seseme oil rice wine vinegar sliced shallots crushed garlic sliced pepper a dash of sugar (this is to YOUR taste, adjust to it :) ) of course you can add anything you would like to these, i just like green onions/ or you can use chives ------------------------------------ Social Networking: Tumblr: theangrylion Twitter: AGLvlogs instagram: angrylioness website: League of Legends: Lelioness