What If YouTube Channel Not Complete 4000 Hours Watchtime And 1000 Subscribers in 1 Year..?

What If YouTube Channel Not Complete 4000 Hours Watchtime And 1000 Subscribers in 1 Year..?

What If YouTube Channel Not Complete 4000 Hours Watchtime And 1000 Subscribers in 1 Year...Youtube Policy Explain *************___________________*********** _________________ Assalam O Alikum! In this Video I Am Goona Tell You That What will happen to your channel if it will not complete 4k hours watchtime and 1000 Subscribers in 1 year. Would you delete that channel? Or create new channel? What is the policy of 1 year on YouTube. Thanks ****************_____________************* Top Searched:- what if 4000 hours watchtime 1000 subscribers did not complete 4000 hours watch time and 1000 subscribers 1000 subscribers 4000 hours watch time 1000 subscribers what if 4000 hours watch time 1000 subscribers did not complete in 1 year how to monetize youtube videos without 4000 hours and 1000 subscribers 4000 hours watch time how to get 1000 subscribers on youtube how to get 4000 hours watchtime *************_________________************ #howtoget4000hourswatchtime #1000subscriber #kashifmajeed #1000subscriberand4000watchtime #techinicalyogi #complete1000sunscribers