Management of severe nausea and vomitting in early pregnancy - Dr. Teena S Thomas
Nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy is common. Almost 80% of pregnancies have nausea and vomiting. So these are part of the pregnancy. That is because the human chorionic gonadotropin, hCG is increasing and this goes on increasing for 14 – 16 weeks. So it is till there that we expect nausea and vomiting to happen, but 20% of the patients don’t have any kind of nausea and vomiting. And very severe will happen, very severe nausea and vomiting causing hyperemesis, happens in less than 1 %of the pregnancy. How do you deal with this? First and most important thing is counseling. Let the patient accept that there is nausea and vomiting. Diet should never come down in such cases. Treat nausea and vomiting, make the patient comfortable by giving enough anti emetics. Let the patient be on anti emetics which are appropriate to be taken in pregnancy and appropriate counseling of fluids and diets, how to eat, what to eat, at what point of time, these are the things how you manage, because the most common complications of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy which is severe dehydration, which can be very bad deydration with some vitamin deficiency causing vernix and cephalopathy. So these are the some things which can cause the vomiting, an increase in vomiting. So it has to be appropriately treated with appropriate anti emetics, appropriate fluids, diet has to be counseled, dietician help can be taken for a proper diet counseling, these are the things. Appropriate awareness to the patient has to be given. So these are the things which has to be done and normally should come down unless it is very bad.