Wednesday 29th July 2020: Saint Martha
The Institute of Christ the King celebrates the classical Roman Liturgy, the “Traditional Latin Mass,” at the Sacred Heart Church, in the heart of Limerick, Ireland. For your Offertory donation, thank you for using this link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr... Thank you for your generosity! You can now subscribe to the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest Irish newsletters at this address: https://institute-christ-king.ie/blog... Sunday 26th July: Eighth Sunday after Pentecost - 8 am: Mass - 10:30 am: High Mass - 6 pm: Mass Monday 27th July: Saint Pantaleon 8 am: Mass 7 pm: Mass Tuesday 28th July: Saints Nazarius and Celsus & Victor I - 8 am: Mass - 7 pm: Mass Wednesday 29th July: Saint Martha 8 am: Mass 7 pm: Mass Thursday 30th July: Sts Abdon & Sennen - 8 am: Mass - 7 pm: Mass Friday 31st July: Saint Ignatius of Loyola (Reminder: no 8 am Mass) - 7 pm: Mass with homily and organ followed by devotions to the Sacred Heart. Saturday 1st August: First Saturday; The Seven Holy Macchabees 8 am: Mass - 11.30 am: Devotions to the Immaculate Heart of Mary - 12 noon: Mass followed by Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Sunday 2nd August: Ninth Sunday after Pentecost - 8 am: Mass - 10:30 am: High Mass Sacred Heart Church Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest The Crescent Limerick V94 HK29 Ireland www.institute-christ-king.ie www.icrsp.org +353-61-315-812